Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Greenwood Asplode!

So here I was last night. I had just gotten back from the gym and was chilling out, getting ready for bed, about to watch a pirated Rogue Squadron trailer...

Then the whole house jumped. It was probably a monster.

Ok, I will admit I have been reading a lot of Kaiju/Monster/Alien crap as part of the ARG for 10 Cloverfield Lane. This may have influenced my first reaction. My second was to throw a blanket around myself and go outside to see which tree hit my house. (Answer: none trees) At least we can all be happy this particular disaster wasn't addressed in the nude.

Turns out Greenwood asploded last night. This area is about a mile and a half from my house, and the buildings that were leveled are directly across from the place I volunteer. The fact that I felt it enough for my whole house to shake means there was a crazy amount of energy behind this.

Here is a before shot of the area across the street from the Space Travel Supply Store that I took last year:

And here is a screenshot from the Seattle Times Article showing how it looks now from roughly the same angle. You can see the facade of Neptune Coffee against the right hand tree: 

Here is a shot from inside the Space Travel Supply. Basically all the buildings you can see outside the window no longer exist. For that matter, neither do the windows. Apparently most of Greenwood lost its glass.  I am very happy this happened at 1:45 AM instead of PM. 

I had planned to spend today calling around about window replacements for my house and meeting up with some of the other volunteers at a bar in Greenwood. Both those plans are currently on hold... I am guessing glass will be in high demand this week.