Monday, June 24, 2013

Introducing the Clown Room...

When we first took possession of the house, getting internet hooked up was a priority for me.  I was working nights at the time, so being there to let in the ISP meant doing my day sleeping in an empty house until they got there.  It was only my second visit to the house, so I went poking around at all the new spaces before sacking out on the floor. This turned out to be a bad idea, as in our creepy-dwarf closet under the stairs I found a trap door that goes to the crawlspace under the house.
As I tried to sleep that morning, all I could think of was that something was going to come up from under the house and maim/kill/rob me. Eventually I put the heaviest box I could find in my car on the trap door (because if someone was going to go to the trouble of crawling under the house and up through the trap door, clearly a 20 pound box would deter them…)
Here’s a picture from before we purchased the house, when the room was done up as a nursery. The trapdoor is inside an equally creepy half-sized closet. I hope whatever kid lived here previously was not eaten.
My father later found the box sitting on top of the trap door and asked about it. I confessed my fear of monsters-under-the-house. He asked what I thought might come up the trap door from under the house, and my first answer was “Clowns.” Since then, the guest room has been the clown room.  So far we haven’t lost any guests, but the heaviest boxes in the house are still on the trap door, so that’s probably what’s keeping them safe.
At one point, we considered getting hardwood floors for the house. The estimates came in at outrageous (to me) amounts, so we’ve stuck with the crappy old carpet, despite the fact that its unraveling at an alarming rate. The cats love the strings that come out of the carpet and constantly graze on them.  As a temporary measure,  I’ve decided to try to pull up the plywood and paint the floors.  It could be a disaster, or it could be really cool. Either way, I know it’ll be covered once we decide to sell.

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