Monday, December 2, 2013


Break's over. I decided to start on the stairs after my friend James suggested an excellent motif for them. I'm also going to try to do the living room floor, which will need to be split into two different sections because I have no place to put the furniture while I work. So its all going to be pushed from one side to the other. I keep forgetting to take before pictures, but here's one early in the moving.

This area is problematic because it opens into the dining/living room and the kitchen... and the hallway on the main floor. So I sort of expect dust to be everywhere.  Since everything was piled up in the corner, I decided to make use of old sheets over the furniture. Now it really looks like an old lady lives her. Its so Sunset Boulevard that I may have to go get ready for my close-up soon.


In an effort to reduce it a little bit, I hung dropclothes over the kitchen passthrough and the door.

Here's some befores of the stairs from upstairs, midstairs, and downstairs.

Also, only in my house does one find random wow cards UNDER a carpet. I blame the cats. 

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