Wednesday, February 26, 2014

In which the Violet Vengeance springs a leak

Forward progress has ground to a halt thanks to the Seattle weather. It turns out that the dark, moldy patch I found under the carpet is probably less a construction remnant and more a scary-moldy leak.

This seems to only happen when the wind is also enough to push the rain around, so we're hoping its a leak around the window. It happened again a few days later, when we got more liquid snow. I can't sand when the floor is wet, so we are currently experiencing a work stoppage.

My dad came up with the giant ladder and some gross caulking to seal around the window. We're crossing our fingers it works and we won't have to start bailing next time it rains. I don't really want to put down paint until I'm sure it'll be dry for a few days in a row, which at this rate will be sometime in July.





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