Friday, April 17, 2015

Hibernation Hiatus

Ok I took some time off to sleep. And then there was studying. And then stupid, stupid life. Which is not to say that Things didn't Happen, just that I mentally saved them up to write about at a later date, and now they will have the sepia-toned quality of reminiscences rather than the colour of current events.

Work on the Violet Vengeance hasn't progressed much because I've been too busy. There is currently half a circus tent hanging in the living room begging to be worked on, but school has taken priority. I play to attempt to work on the yard this Spring/Summer, budge and weather allowing. And by that, I mean enough cloudy days to allow me to maintain my deathlike pallor without risking the tanz.

I did manage to get new toilets installed courtesy of the city. Being poor has its perks! The new ones are low flow, and I haven't yet decided how I feel about them, but they were free, so yay! I didn't take very good before and afters of them, so here's a picture of a penguin I took at the zoo the other day. This is quite a concession, as I mistrust penguins. My mother has a long history with them. More on that later, along with some more penguin pictures. Right now, one is enough!

I've also been volunteering at a local writing center/Space Travel Supply Store, which requires working with children. Not exactly my strong suit to begin with, but I've also learned that they have some sort of vampiric energy-sucking ability. It turns out they DO say the damnedest things, more on that later too.

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