Tuesday, June 25, 2013

I knew the job was dangerous when I took it.

Our other home improvement projects have occasioned no end of creative swearing from my Construction Consultant (aka Science-Doctor Dad) because of the shoddy construction.   A few months we remodeled the master bathroom, which required pulling up and cutting up some disgusting particle board, so naturally we thought that the Clown Room would have particle board over the plywood subfloor. I cut up the carpet with this expectation in mind.  In keeping with the construction of the rest of the house, it turns out that this was done wrong by the “hoodyfoopin’ idjits” who built the place.

On the bright side, this means that I can directly sand the plywood and we don’t have to put plywood over the particleboard which is over the plywood.  (Yes, this was the plan.) We opted to cut the carpet around the bookcases (which are bolted to the walls) instead of taking them down and doing things "right", so I take solace in knowing that the next person who owns this house will also be saying nice things about our construction choices.
The room also contains some inexplicable mold. we're not sure where it came from, there are no water pipes near this area. Our best guess is that one of our guests has been peeing in the corner. You can see from the pictures that the walls are still the original ugly peachy colour that I prefer to think of as Circus Peanut Orange.



  1. I'm so happy to get a peek into your home and its creepy half door that opens to clowns.

  2. Obviously the clown room is really the clown bathroom.
