Sunday, August 25, 2013

Hooray for tape!

I decided I hated the tile I bought, so I went out and found some new ones. They're stripey, and match the walls better, and I hate them slightly less.
Well, I DID hate them slightly less, until I tried to lay them out. I'm having trouble making the layout work with the size of the tile, and I think I am going to need a lot of cuts. There's also way too much mathing involved for me right now, so I'm waiting on some help from my dad. 
Since there's not much else I can do in the bathroom until the tiles are figured out, cut, and laid, I found something else to do. This morning, my cat was hell bent on making as much noise as he could to try to wake me up, and in doing that he broke the fancy cardboard penthouse he got for his birthday.
So I taped it back together. At which point I decided I liked it better black anyway, and it got a thorough gothing. Pharaoh approves, and has decided to be batman.



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