Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Last Year's model

Last year we decided to finally pull up a piece of rotting linoleum that had been here since before we bought the house. When we did our first walkthrough, my dad stabbed it with a knife (presumably to kill it) and so for the last five years it's had a tear that let more water and grossness into the particle board.

Somehow we managed to go from floor to expanding the bathroom a few feet into the hallway, and tearing out a closet. This doubled the size of the bathroom, but the whole project took almost a year to be finished. This is why I'm not entirely looking forward to doing it again so soon.

Here's the before:

The During.. you can see the stud there where the old bathroom ended.

And the mostly after. We used a lot of Ikea cabinets and sinks, so that we could try to make the space seem a little bigger, but still have the storage from the closet we tore out. So far, its worked really well, though there are now a truly frightening amount of mirrors in there. Pharaoh also now has his own separate bathroom, and a cat door that goes from the bedroom into it.




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