Saturday, March 22, 2014

Back in Black

When last we saw the stairs, they looked super-terrifying. Allow me to remind you:
Today, however, the flames of hell have been extinguished, and the bottom stair is once again full of ebony goodness.

While I was at it, I decided to start the dining room floor too.

The first coat has gone on, and it is looking super spotty, which is making me a sad panda. Judging by the amount of dust in the house, I was pretty sure I had sanded down every tiny gap and spot, but a lot of them are showing through the paint. The paint is thinner than the Valspar stuff I used in the clown room, I'm not sure if that's just the difference in brand between them and Behr, or if it has to do with the amount of tint required to get it this dark thinning the paint out. Hoping future coats cover some of it up. 


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