Monday, March 24, 2014

White Lines

The floor got its third and final coat of black today. This is the coat with the gritty crap in it, which definitely helps the light hit differently and hides some of the spots I was worried about.

After the paint had dried for a few hours, I decided to work on the borders. I am thinking of making two large areas that look kinda like faux area rugs. Which may look weird when I put actual area rugs on them, but so be it. I'm hoping it will help define the two areas of the room. Laying it out involves a bunch of measuring and straight edging with the level. I use the sides and width of the level to do the spacing and save myself some extra measuring. I got the main big square laid out, but that's when things got weird.

Theres a little area coming up from the stairs, before the fireplace that wont take the same borders. I tried to map it out, but its about 3am at this point and I haven't slept in a long time, so it went to hell quickly. Despite the many, many lines, I've decided to leave this area alone for the time being and worry about it later. I'm going to stick with just a large rectangle in the dining area to contain the pattern stencil.

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