Friday, September 6, 2013


First off, here's a picture of the tiles/wall in natural light instead of the ugly yellow that the vanity lights cast. It's a lot less brown than its been coming out in the photos, and the walls are less blue. You can see the slight gaps between the tile and the wall that are normally covered with moulding.

I hate moulding. With a fiery passion. I think its ugly and dated and ugly. Even the word sounds gross (and blogger's spellcheck hates it having a u). And all the moulding in this house is a gross orange brown color that I am pretty sure comes from staining the wood with the poop of babies nursed on Tang. The moulding that was in this room was all soaked with sewage during the Poopstorm (with no noticeable change to its colour) and I don't really want to replace it. I also want to make sure that should we have another sewage spill its contained on the tile and doesn't go under the walls.
The plan has been to replace the moulding with tiles as a sort of backsplash. I did this with extra tiles in the upstairs bathroom, and have been pleased with it as a moulding alternative. Unfortunately, the huge 12 x 24 tiles downstairs don't allow for doing this easily, so I bought some glass mosaic tiles to cut up and use. The mosaic is black, grey, and cracked-glass, which is the reason I went with black grout. It comes in 12 x 12 sheets which I decided to cut up.

Initially I cut the mosaics into 4 inchish sections and tried laying it out that way. 

I wasn't really happy with the way it looked, and it would have meant buying about $40 more worth of tile to do the whole room (I hadn't accounted for the closet when I bought the first ones). So I decided to try closer to a 2" size. Here's the comparison:

In the end, I decided to go with the smaller size all the way around, to save on cost and tile trimming. I also think that the larger size makes it a little too busy. I'm hoping to put it up tomorrow, and grout on Sunday.
My goal at this point is to get the toilet in on Tuesday. Once the backsplash is on the wall, I'll be starting on the hallway. This will leave the bathroom mostly complete, except for the whole vanity issue. I still haven't found one that I like very much. Maybe I can just set a sink on the ground...

With this bathroom out of commission while I've been tiling, two of the cats have had their litterbox relocated to the hallway. They've demonstrated their displeasure at this by peeing on the carpet more than in the new box. Fortunately that carpet is already missing a huge chunk thanks to the Poopstorm and was already marked for deletion

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