Thursday, September 19, 2013

Helloooooo, Nurse!

It's been a long week already, and its only Thursday. I've gotten older, and maybe wiser. Though that has nothing to do with the Project Management exam I'm studying for which has been causing me to pray to every deity I can think of that I never have to Manage a Project using this method. That said, I'm happy that the bathroom is as complete as I can get it (finished curtains and caulked the bathtub yesterday... pictures will follow when the closet door has been installed) and that I can get back to a steady diet of sanding my troubles away.

I was a bit delayed today because I forgot I ran out of 50 grit belts for the belt sander, so I had to make a trip to the hardware store. They were out of 50, so I got 40, which seems like serious overkill, but it seemed like more fun than more passes at finer grit. I got about half of the hallway done before it got too dusty to see much.

The dust from the hallway has the potential to waft its way upstairs and into the main living areas upstairs, so I'm not really looking forward to the cleanup after this one. Currently I'm not running any air filters down there, but I may rethink that. Right now I'm approaching it like surgery... a few minutes of sanding, then letting Stanley the Shop-Vac/Nurse apply suction to get the dust off the floor. Maybe I'll make him some scrubs, at least it would make the photos more exciting.

The hallway has a lot more staples and screws which come enough above the plywood to make sparks if I accidentally run over them with the belt sander. I'm terrified the dust is going to start a flash fire during one of the sparks, which will result in the whole thing going up in a giant fireball.  Maybe I should get health insurance. I wonder if Stanley is in-network for any providers.

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