Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Meet my crew

Today I did the first pass with 80 grit sand paper on the first section of hallway. I'm going to try to do two passes with the 80 grit, hopefully this will help with getting out the bigger imperfections. I only did one through the clown room, and there are still some spots in there I'm not thrilled with. This is likely to take me about 3-4 days to finish completely.

Sanding is pretty boring. The sanders are mostly too loud for me to listen to music or watch TV while I'm sanding, so I spend a lot of time talking to my tools. I decided it was time for you to meet them. Hipstamatic photos, for style points.

This is Nurse Stanley. You've probably already met him. He was shiny and new when I worked on the clown room, but he's since acquired a fine patina of dust that would make any librarian proud.

This is Betrand, the Belt Sander. I believe he may actually be older than I am. He's a fine craftsman by day. He enjoys long walks on the beach and racing. At night, he dons 40 grit and attacks the faces of evildoers. 

This is Springy, the palm sander. He's smaller and easier to use than Bertrand, so I tend to use him more, though it takes longer. He's also necessary for getting closer to the walls and into the closets, where it's almost impossible to use the belt sander. Sometimes I have to supplement his work with some hand sanding, but overall he's my favourite. 

This is the supply wall. Normally there are photos hanging from these hooks, but it seemed like a good place to keep all the sand paper and masks for the moment. 

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