Thursday, November 14, 2013

Moving Day!!!!!!!

I've been running around like Mrs. Frisby all day getting ready to move my stuff back into the bedroom. I got most of the closet filled up yesterday while the poly was still technically drying. It is not likely to ever be this clean again.

First order of business, hanging curtains. This immediately made the room wonderfully dark. Which is a pain for pictures, but generally my favourite thing about the redo.

Next up, the bed. I got help moving it this time, which was sooo much better than wrestling with it myself. The bed is way too big for this room, and I was hoping to move where it lives now that the wall heater is out, but for one reason or another none of the alternate configurations worked, so its going back where it was.

And the horrible mattress from hell got put in next. 

I spent the rest of the day moving stuff out of the living room and back into the bedroom. Tonight, we sleep in peace! Pharaoh is already readjusting to his new-old home
 I took photos from each corner of the room, because again... never be this clean again. My phone's camera doesn't like the dark though, even with the flash. I took these pictures around noon on a sunny day, with the lights on and the curtains of one window open...




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