Sunday, November 10, 2013

My Infinite Blooness

As long as everything was out of the room, I decided to fix as much stuff as I can, because I don't see this opportunity occurring again any time in the near future. I started with recaulking and staining the window sill. This sill gets a lot of sun, so the stain and caulk were dried out, flaking and generally gross.
Many patches were also achieved. I want to move the curtain rods, so I took them down and patched over them. You may also notice the ceiling is white. I hate it. When I first moved in, there was one coloured wall, and it was the ugliest colour of eggplant I have ever seen. That is probably redundant because I hate eggplant, but it was really an awful colour. I replaced it with blue. Then I decided more blue was necessary and painted the other walls a few years later. I have always regretted not doing the ceiling blue at that time. Right now, the white reflects all of the light that manages to get through the two layers of curtains I have hanging. I'm super sensitive to light when I'm sleeping, and I like to sleep in the day time. This ceiling conspires against me. I'm painting the hell out of it.
I went to Home Despot to pick up my paint. I was looking for Behr's Navy Blue and Black Suede in porch paint for the floor. It turned out that they only had one gallon of porch paint left, so my decision to repaint the room was confirmed and I went with interior.  The paint went on the walls OK, but it took many coats to finish the ceiling, and I wound up buying another quart... then another quart... then a gallon of porch paint.

 Here's coat one of the ceiling

And coat two:

It started to get slightly better at coat 3. At this point I started spot-painting it. There are still some lighter spots, but I think once the curtains are up it'll be so dark that no one will be able to tell. The many coats took longer than I had hoped, and now I need to let it dry for a few days before I start work on the floor. It's November 1st, and I only have TWO WEEKS to go.

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