Sunday, November 10, 2013

Sanding. Again.

So I've now been through the sanding process twice, and there's not much I can say about it. This room is bigger than either of the spaces I've done before, and its being done in less time, so I'm cutting corners like a mofo. I've spent a day each on 40, 80, patching, and 120 grit respectively.  I skipped one of the passes I normally do with 80 grit in favour of saving a day.
I'm not sure if that's going to hurt me in the end, I won't really know until the first coat of paint goes on it. My mantra during this sanding process has been "90% of the room will be covered..." because I know the bed and dressers are going to take up the majority of the room. I've decided not to sweat the details this time around.

It definitely looks better after sanding, but four days straight is exhausting. Pretty sure I could win an arm wrestling competition right now though... my right bicep feels popeyesque after fighting with the belt sander for so many hours. 

Even Pharaoh is tired. He's adopted this pillow as his new home-away-from-bedroom.

And the bad, ugly patch is collecting tons of dust for safekeeping.

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