Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Border Patrol

The paint has been drying for three days, so its time for the tape of frogs. I got it laid down and the first coat of red on for the border stripes. 
After I painted the first two stripes, I decided to add a third, which will effectively decrease the amount of stenciling I have to do. The bedroom was a slow process because of the dark colors and the non-transparent stencil, so anything I can do to help here is worth it. Plus stripes are awesome.

I'm not wild about the way the paint is drying, its turning out really... sheer. I'm sure there's an official word for it that has more to do with housepaint than lipstick, but that's what it is. The black is showing through so much that it doesn't look like there is red on it at all. Hopefully a second coat fixes things, otherwise the stenciling is not going to go well (or quickly) at all.

The second coat is still showing the black through the red, so I added a third and used a roller to help even out the brush marks. 

The frog tape seems to leave sharper lines if I take it off when the paint is not completely dry, so off it comes, stripe by stripe. You can make a flip book of it if you want to see it in action, but don't blame me if it makes you sleepy.

Again I'm really impressed with the frog tape, it lets through almost no paint and comes up super easy. The corners are sharp enough that they are giving a crazy 3D effect right now, which is fancy because I always wanted my floor to be multi-dimensional.




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