Thursday, March 6, 2014

Just one more thing

I think I might be the Columbo of Bondo. Every time I think I'm done and ready to clean and paint, I find another hole or divot or tiny-tiny scratch and decide it Must Be Filled before I can continue. I think as of today's filling/sanding that I am finally done, but I have said that at least four other times in the last week and been wrong.

The seams on the downstairs hallway are starting to crack a bit and show through the paint, so I decided to go back over the ones on this floor. Covering the whole seam seemed to have worked in the clown room, which isn't cracking at all, so hopefully it'll help here.

Another lesson I learned: big contractor packs of 120 grit sand paper SEEM cheap, but they're crap! I bought one thinking I'd save money since I need so much of it still, but the quality is so bad that I think in the end I probably didn't save myself any money at all. My tiny cat-food garbage can is full of clogged up, ripped up pieces of sand paper, and I went through probably 8-9 times what I would have gone through of the "more expensive" stuff. Pharaoh tells me I would know this if I watched more of the People's Court because the judge always talks about mangos and rice and the cheap coming out expensive.  Then he licked his own rump.

This is how it looks right now, now for cleaning, and then the "Fun" part. Yay painting! I keep reminding myself I only have to sand the rest of this room and one tiny hallway and then the house is mostly done. It still seems like it'll take forever. My heart cries a little bit thinking of how much more dust Stanley will need to eat. Soldier on, Stanley... Soldier on.

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