Sunday, May 11, 2014

Heat Avoidance

I normally use Internet Exploder to update my blog because I've got all sorts of stuff in FireFox that keeps nastiness from running on my computer, which also keeps Blogger's site from working correctly. Since the Department of Homeland Security (and anyone else with a brain) had been recommending avoiding IE until it was patched, I'm a bit behind in posting, so you get a bunch at once again... Blame Microsoft.
At the end of April, we had two 80+ degree days. That is hot. Super Fucking hot, in fact. I wanted to work on the floors, but hot and sandy sounded too Saharan to me, so I decided to hide downstairs and do some sewing. (Yes, I forgot that this meant turning on the iron. No, this did not do much to alleviate the heat.)
I don't have the space right now to cut out anything complex, so I wound up making some scarves out of scraps I had sitting around, which I will possibly take on my trip. These are those scarves:

I don't know if I'll actually wear any of them, they all seem pretty busy for my normal clothing tastes, but if anything can break me of the all-black, its Hula Girls, bats, Cheshire cats and yummy sushi.

I also made some rag curlers, though I vastly over-estimated the amount of fabric to use for them and wound up having to do a second round in which I cut them in quarters. I don't care, it kept me out of the Sahara.

Also, drinks served in buckets are phenomenal for beating the heat.

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