Saturday, May 10, 2014

Upstairs Hallway

Because I really didn't learn my lesson by doing the stairs and the dining room at the same time, I decided to pull up the carpet in the kitchen hallway at the same time I did the living room. This is the last carpet left on this floor, and unless I decide to redo the computer room floor, it may be the last floor I paint.

I'm skeptical about doing just this hallway and not the whole kitchen, because I think once the floor is painted the ugly-ass linoleum will look even worse.

IF I only do the hallway, then the only furniture I need to move is the kitchen table. If I decide to go whole hog, its going to be a much bigger project, which will involve cutting and tearing up the particle board underneath the linoleum and moving the fridge and stove to do it.

Zulu is really only concerned with where his scratching post and food will be relocated. The scratching post is sometimes used as food, he tends to scratch off small pieces of cardboard and eat them, because he's ALWAYS hungry, and everyone can tell he is wasting away for lack of kibble.

And heres what it looks like without carpet and table from either end. It's not too exciting yet, but hopefully it will be soon!

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