My door was ugly and gross and peeling. I have been feeling the same way myself lately. I needed a project to keep my hands occupied, while my brain is reeling from a combination of depression, insomnia, and overstudying.
So I cleaned it, put tape on it and started to paint it. I didn't realise the paint I was going to use had the gritty crap in it that i use on the floors for traction. this is ugly on doors. i know that, because i accidentally did the same thing on the door to the garage. I wound up going to home despot. I asked the paintgirl for a quart of Black Suede, which the same paint that I have on most of the floors of the house, because it is porch and floor paint and my door is on the porch. Also because I see an ugly, gross door, and I want to paint it black.
"Do you want it shiny?" she asked. She was clearly a temptress.
At this point, a snap decision was made. I already know my mother will not approve of the colour. I also know she loves eggshell. The floors are eggshell, the walls are eggshell, eggshells are eggshell. I hate eggshell. But i live on the edge. I went with a sexy high gloss. Its a door after all. It says right on the container that gloss is for doors.
(For future reference, the answer to that shiny question is always "YESS!!!!")
While the door was drying I had to leave it open. For 8 hours. Since I was there anyway, I decided to do something about the porch. I wanted to do it grey, and I had some Elephant Gray left from the clown room, which surprisingly doesn't have gritty crap in it. So I washed it down and painted.
Now my porch is pretty again. I am so happy to be rid of the yellow grossness and gacky old door look. Now it looks fancy and classy. My parents will hate it.