Saturday, August 13, 2016

No Disintegrations

I am currently in the midst of collapsing 24+ weeks worth of graduate course work into slightly less than 2 weeks. This is making my brain melty and my stress level way too high.  So it was ridiculously amazing today when as I was in the process of puddling from the heat, I got a package from a friend. (THANKS, DASH!!!)

I've never played with legos outside of the lego video games, so it was pretty exciting, and building stuff was a nice break from learning. It took me like two hours, but I finally put together a carbonite freezing chamber of my very own. My brain is too melty for more words,  but if you really like Legos (and/or Boba Fett or Ugnaughts) then here are some pictures. I was messing with some depth of field and selective focus, so yes I know parts of them are out of focus.

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