Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Breakfast with Jesus

It was time to leave the Crystal Hotel, and its evil neon behind early the next morning. I slept so little that my sleep tracker didn't register it at all, and I am pretty sure an entire day passed between 7AM and 7:30, because time was moving so slowly. My lack of sleep wasn't the fault of the hotel, or the neon really, just general insomnia. At least the neon made interesting shapes on the ceiling to watch while I couldn't snooze.

I met my friend at The Roxy for breakfast. It is a super gay 24 hour diner dive that is adjacent to one of Portland's bigger GLBT clubs. As a result, they serve a GBLT, though the menu insists "there is no additional charge for hetero bacon." As we walked in, we were greeted by a giant crucified Jesus with a neon halo. He watched over us while we ate.

I am pretty sure we were the only ungay patrons, but we were both girls, so no one could tell and we weren't subject to any sort of heterophobia. Its a pretty fun place, with a goofy menu. I almost choked on my drink when the girl sitting next to us ordered the "vagitarian omlette."

My final stop on this trip was waiting at the airport. I decided not to pay for parking and just hang out in the cell lot to catch more Pokemon. This would have been a good idea, but for the fact that there were no Pokemon there. The guy parked next to me was watching a Harry Potter movie on a tablet of some kind (I could hear it through his windows when I got up to walk around the car.) He apparently had also chosen poorly, as when he went to start his car, his battery was dead. 

I wound up jumping his car, which was sort of a comedy of errors, because he didn't know how to do it, and I'm afraid of electricity so was trying to talk him through it, instead of actually touching cables. Once he was started and off, I was sort of paranoid my own car was going to die, so I let my engine run, despite the signs telling me not to. I am sort of surprised that no Eco-friendly-vegan-hipster appeared from the air to chastise me, because it seems like that might be a felony there. I am probably a wanted fugitive from social justice now. 

The Parental Pick-up went off without significant incident, and I was home a mere 6 hours later, thanks to Sunday traffic.

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