Saturday, April 30, 2016

Pornata Funfessions

I have a confession. This is not actually my first Pornata experience. When I turned 30, we threw a huge party, renting a Victorian mansion on the ocean for a weekend. Two of my friends came bearing a pinata. At the appointed time, the entire party headed out to the beach via a long, dark, wooded path. Fortunately we were all wearing glow sticks, (and glow bracelets, and glow necklaces...) so any predators were scared away.

When we reached the beach, we tossed the pinata over a sign, and commenced the ritual beating.

Our yelling and glowing attracted some of the other late-night beach goers, including a number of children. As the pinata began to give up its delicious, sugary guts, the children asked if they could have some candy.

"SUUUUURE! Yaaay!!! Candy for everyone!!!!" I told them, feeling unusually magnanimous about the distribution of candy to strange children (it was MY birthday, after all... those Chompos were all mine according to the calendar.)

What I didn't realise at the time was that the pinata had been well stocked with airlines-sized alcohol bottles and porn, my friends having just come from a visit to Las Vegas, where they collected a number of those cards the street guys flick at you. One of my other friends went around covertly trading the children porn-and-booze for candy before the parents realised what was happening. We aren't sure if she got it all, its possible some minors escaped her dragnet and returned home with tits and whiskey, but she was vigilant in her attempts. It is for that friend that I am making the current pinata, which I intend to fill only with candy.



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