Monday, May 2, 2016


I let her dry for an entire weekend, hanging in the sun and breeze. Hopefully she is relieved of all that pesky moisture and solid paper cement now. I have been told by various pinata-experienced friends and internets that once the mache has dried, I should either coat with glue, paint, or coat with coloured tissue paper. I decided to go with a three-stones-per-bird approach.

First up, I mixed some modge-podge with some truly hideous acrylic paint. Both can be thinned with water, so they should mix together right? 

Hooray! It worked. It seemed a little thick, and i don't want to buy more of either, so I added some warm water for good measure. 

Then I started slopping the stuff on. You can see, its not covering very well, but I think part of the point of using glue is to help seal the whole thing. I hope. 

The hole has become a bit of a problem, I probably should have waited on that. I tried clamping it together with some glue, but it doesn't really seem to have worked. Hopefully I can fix it later with duct tape, the universal repair. 

I waited for a warmish day to do this so that it would dry, which was also possibly a mistake. by the time I got to the bottom, the glue at the top was drying. I decided to cover it with orange tissue paper anyway, so some areas got more than a healthy dose of orange glue-ish concoction. It is looking orangey, though some of the newsprint shows through in places. 

I'm not sure if i'm going to paint it again, or do another layer of tissue paper, or both. It still looks too home made for me, I want it to look like a real pinata. I think I want to stick fringey tissue paper to it, which sounds terribly time consuming, but it really needs more festivity. I still have three other projects I need to get done in the next 12 days, and a rump ton of school work. It is going to be a busy few weeks. 

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