Tuesday, August 20, 2013


Anyone who has ever stayed (or peed) at my house will recognise the downstairs bathroom as the super-butch Hello Kitty room. I don't have any good pictures of it in all of its pink glory, but I think I'm going to go in a different direction this time. Most of my HK paraphernalia is destined to be rehomed shortly.

The decision to change up the design is causing me a bit of delay, which is why I haven't written for the last week or so. The floor has all its screws and is ready to receive tile:

But I haven't found a tile I like. And before I buy a tile, I have to figure out what kind of vanity I'm getting so that I know whether I have to tile underneath it or not. I've looked at more than a thousand vanities and so far only found a handful that I like, most of which are out of my price range. I'm currently trying to figure out other options, but it leaves me with not much progress. In the same boat with tiles, all of the ones in the stores right now are HUUUUUGE (16 x 16 and up) and I think that'll make the bathroom look small. This has taken about eleventy bazillion trips to home despot and lowes to check and recheck tile, and a bunch of smaller local places. I've seen so many vanities that I'm having dreams about them.

Since I can't work on the floor without making some decisions, I decided to start on the walls. The former vanity left big splotches of goo and gross on the walls, so the first order of business is sanding it down and filling holes.

Once that was done, I washed the walls using my grandmother's secret wall-washing formula of vinegar and water. Once that's dry, I'm going to spray it down with antibacterial gunk (again) because when sewage has touched stuff, there's just no such thing as too much antibac. Then comes the spackle, tape, and paint. I haven't fully decided on a color yet (blame the vanity again) but I have a gallon of a grey colour that is left over from my kitchen cabinets that I might use. I'm not wild about using the same colour as I have in the kitchen, but it's practically free.

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