I'm taking a break after finishing the bedroom in record time. While I was waiting for the poly to dry in the bedroom, I did manage to finish up the downstairs hallway. I hated the stupid, ugly orangeybrown door (seen below for reference). I didn't think I'd be able to paint it, because doors seem expensive to replace, but my father gave me the go-ahead after declaring the floors to be "more subtle in person."
I decided to continue the motif of the floor up the door, so I painted the mouldings to match the borders on the floor and used the same colours as I did on the floor. I was going for a sort of trompe l'oeil effect with the hallway continuing. The door gives a sort of weird forced perspective to the hallway. I really like how it looks now. Next step in this hallway is to paint the walls, which are really banged up and gross. It's not happening any time soon though, I'm on a break!