Sunday, November 10, 2013

Stencilin' time

When I started stenciling, I thought it was probably a 2-3 hour job. It turns out I underestimated by a lot. Overall, it took me two days of more than 8 hours each, and another three hours for touchups.
The try with this stencil, the paint wasn't covering very well using the roller.

I decided to use a hand brush to try to fill it in instead, because that puts a little more paint into the stencil.

Unfortunately it also caused a lot more bleeding and took a lot longer.

The edges aren't as clean as I'd like them to be, so I switched back to rollering. This meant rolling the paint on thinly, waiting for it to dry, then doing it again. This process was incredibly time consuming, each 22 x 22 section took ten to fifteen minutes to complete. There were at least 24 repeats of the stencil, plus edges to fill in, which was why it took so long.

The pattern slowly filled over the course of the day, the more that gets on the floor, the better it looks, but I wish I'd made the borders bigger than a foot so I had less to fill in.  

This stencil is white, instead of the clear one I got for the hallway project. This makes it MUCH harder to match the pattern. I like the patterns that sells better than those at some of the other stencilling sites, but the difficulty in matching the pattern may not be worth it. By the time I finished, I had some large gaps that I had to try to fill in. The room is dark with the ceiling painted, but you can see the big gaps in this picture. 


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