Thursday, November 14, 2013

In which I take decorating advice from a stone.

I woke up this morning singing Sympathy for the Devil, for no reason that I can remember (with the words changed to include my name, because I can). Somewhere around the time I was riding a tank and holding a general's rank, I realized that it's probably the only Rolling Stones song that I really like. As I was mentally planning my day and asking who killed the Kennedys, I realized there's another Stone's song that I'm OK with too, and it gave me direction for the day.

I see a beige door, and I want to paint it black.

I don't know why I choose stain for this. Really what I want is a nice black enamel. But stain+poly is what I have, so here's the first of 7 or so coats...

You can see the coverage isn't very good with one coat. Each coat takes about an hour to dry, which lets me move stuff into my closet while I wait. technically the poly is still drying, but can see light use. It's not supposed to be used for realz until 72 hours after the last coat.

And some more black...

I think I gave up taking pictures after this coat, but I did a few more. I'm sure there's a special spot in hell for girls who don't sand between coats. Dante probably didn't mention it because Beatrice was really into DIY and chilling there or something. At any rate, I didn't bother on this. I did sand it down once before the final coat to help get off some of the drips and weirdness.
Since the closets don't match the doors anymore, I decided to give them a coat for good measure too.

And here's some pictures of the room before I get the furniture into it.

Apparently Pharaoh snuck in and got a claw shedding into the wet poly. I can't get it out, its well covered, and will need to be sanded to be removed. I'm going to pretend it adds character.

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