Tuesday, February 25, 2014


Working on both the stairs and the living room, as well as school turns out to be a case of biting off too much. There's a lot of work involved in all three of those, and its been a little bit daunting. I'm currently a bit behind in everything, especially posting. But here's where I was last month!
First off was removing the carpeting and padding in five foot strips. I had some help on this, because apparently the padding is The Most Fun Thing Ever. Because Zulu spends a lot of time in this room, he has been supervising all of the work.

Once Zulu wore himself out by rolling around, I was able to remove the rest of the padding.

And once the strips were taken up, they were removed courtesy of Daddy's Dumping Service.

This left some very very ugly plywood. It's in much worse shape than the other rooms have been in so far. I'm not sure if its because this is a higher traffic area, or just the luck of the crappy-construction draw. There are a lot of holes, gashes, and other grossness.

This means a lot of extra filling work. It's going to take a lot of goo. 

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