Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Furred Lines

I'm trying to make some decisions about the design on the room, so I can decided where to stop sanding. The north and south walls are both different lengths, with a weird alcove on the east side. This means the midpoint of each wall is slightly diffs by about four feet. There's no really good place to divide the area in half. I decided to put down two lengths of rope so that I could get an idea visually of where I might split the room.

As soon as I put them both down, Zulu showed a clear preference for one. In the absence of any real argument against this midpoint, I decided to go with it. Given the design ideas I'm kicking around for the living and dining areas, the visual midpoint will likely be this entire area.  Zulu continued to voice his support for this line throughout the evening. Eventually, he pulled out the other line. Done deal.

Yes, he's really that fat.

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