Friday, February 28, 2014

Of Human Bondo-age

Today, the floor is more marked up than a chunky sorority pledge.  I've been sanding mostly at night, and the lighting isn't great for detail work. Today I decided to sand a bit while it was sunny, and found tons of holes and bad spots that need more sanding and filling. I like to mark these spots as I find them so I can go back and fill them, since the Bondo dries so quickly once its mixed.

Waiting for the Bondo to dry and sanding it is going to add another day, but it should help a lot with the final product. Every tiny pit tends to show once the paint is on. Hopefully after one more touch-up sanding I'll be ready to clean and paint. Curse the stupid sunshine for showing the flaws. I'm starting to feel like the floor is more patch than wood.

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