Wednesday, February 26, 2014


I severely underestimated the amount of patching needed on the living room floor. So far I've been through two cans of DAP, a can and a half of Bondo, and five tubs of wood filler.
Every time I patch, I find more holes... rinse, repeat. I've been putting on the filler in patches, then sanding it, and repatching.

The supervisor of this project is simultaneously disappointed in the lack of progress, and the taste of Bondo. He has to be locked away when there is wet goo on the floor, because he tries to eat it. 

Slowly, slowly its coming together, getting smoother. At this point, about 2/3 of (this half of) the room is ready to be cleaned and painted. The stairs still need more Bondo and sanding too. I'm trying to time it so that everything can be painted at roughly the same time, but it feels like there are lots o' delays.

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