Saturday, May 7, 2016

A Caper

The cancerversary party is only 8 days away, and I still have a few projects to work on. First up is my T-shirt. My friend would like everyone at the party to wear matching t-shirts all of the same design, and in red. I am pretty sure I was voted Least Likely to Ever Wear a Uniform in high school. The idea of matching an entire party worth of people sort of makes my skin crawl. But I was going to take one for the team (uniform) to support my friend. I ordered my T-shirt.

Then I put it on. My hair is blue. The shirt is red. The combination evokes 3-d glasses and is sort of grotesque. It is also bright and tight in all the wrong places. I hate t-shirts, the collars always make me feel like I'm being throttled. Something must be done. 

I thought about cutting into it and making designs and whatnot, or turning it into a halter top. neither of these ideas really appealed to me. Its so superhero red that I decided to go a different direction. I forgot to take a before picture, but you can get the idea. 

I took off the sleeves and turned the whole thing inside out. I serged the (former) armholes closed and then turned it right-side-out.

I had some big red ribbon I had saved from a blanket I bought. Hooray for upcycling. I sewed the ribbon onto the collar. 

Once the ribbon was done, I topstitched the whole thing to hold it together. I probably should have added interfacing so that it would be a little stiffer, but this is a one-day affair, and I am already over-budget. 

And voila! I have a cape. I'm considering wearing it myself, but I know my friend's young grandson will be at the party. He loves superheroes, and I suspect he will enjoy it more than I will, so I'm going to make a gift of it. I won't match the team technically, but hopefully I can find something that is red, (but not Too Red) to wear.

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