Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Pinataboy to the rescue!

I really wasn't sure about the next step in the pinata process. I know I wanted that fancy fringey stuff, but I wasn't really sure I had the stamina to make a million tiny paper cuts. I had some ideas for cutting down the work, but I wasn't 100% sure about them, and the last thing I want is for this pinata to look like it was made in a kindergarten classroom. 

Fortunately, the internet is frequented by superheroes. In my research, I managed to find my way to Pinataboy, who had several recommendations on decoration. I wish I had found this site earlier, its a really fantastic walkthrough of pinatery, and would have helped me out. I used the pinataboy method to cut up two rolls of orange crepe paper in just under 5 minutes. Million cuts: avoided!

I still had mod podge and orange paint, so I mixed them together once more until they were the delightful shade of a Kraft dinner. As long as I am using glue, it may as well be orange. 

I followed the tutorial, starting with the bottom, and working my way up using the strips of fringed paper. 

"Holy crap!" I told myself. "My pinata is looking like a pinata! I am a pinata god! I should take up full time pinating! Fear my fringey wrath!"

Moments later, I was punished by the pinata gods for my fringe-filled hubris. I tried to hang the pinata for easier access, and one of the legs knocked the glue jar all over everything. Fortunately it missed my phone. This is why we use drop cloths!

I managed to spoon most of the glue back into the jar. Literally. With a spoon. I wasn't sure how else to do it, and in the process accidentally poured more glue into the pile, but eventually it was mostly recovered.

I got both legs done, and started on the body. With the Pinata hanging, it was a lot easier, though there was some shifting and spinning in the wind to account for. This is a project for a closed window, crepe paper is now in my everything. 

Progress!! It took just under three hours to cover the whole thing, including cleaning the spills and cutting up another roll of crepe paper. Not too bad, I thought this would be a multi-day undertaking.

Now I have an orange cancer ribbon with more than a passing visual similarity to Cousin It, but I will give it a bit of a fluff and a trim before her big day. 

I have to leave her hanging in my kitchen in order to keep her from being eaten by the supervisor. I am sure my neighbours are wondering why I have a huge orange thing dangling over my kitchen table. 

1 comment:

  1. This was my favorite part of the evening.,the whole idea around 'beating up cancer' with the little kids helping me 'fight'.. I don't know if you intended it to have that much symbolism but it turned out perfect :) oh and ps., you should post that one pic of Michael .. it's awesome.
