Sunday, October 27, 2013


Apparently that thing about rest and the wicked is true. Next week I'm having a new heating system installed. It'll give me actual air conditioning instead of my aging window unit, and I'm really excited about it. Except for the fact that I'm also starting on the Master Bedroom floors. This means moving ALL of the furniture out of the bedroom, including the clothes in the closet and drapes and whatnot.
I got about half of it done on Saturday, though it took me an extra day to move the mattress. I have two cats, which do not get along. As a result, Pharaoh lives in the master suite and Zulu has charge of the rest of the house. This seems to work out fine for them, though Zulu has attempted to annex a few times. As the bedroom has become more and more empty, Pharaoh has gotten progressively more nervous. However, he seems content to assume that I'll leave him in the room even when its empty. He's there on the mattress somewhere, looking fearful I'm sure.
I got the room effectively empty, and moved my mattress to the bedroom, which is where I'll be living for the duration of the floor redo. It's incentive to finish quickly, though I'm assured by a friend in the know that it's Coke Fiend Chic. Here's the room without much in it.
But wait. What's that dark spot in the corner? Some kind of weird shadow? 

Some kind of weird, furry shadow?

Why no, its the saddest cat ever, who refuses to leave the bedroom.


He stayed in this corner until about 4AM, at which point I dragged him out for the THIRD time and he decided staying in the bed might be ok, mostly thanks to his favourite stuffed animal, a cow that he constantly kneads. He gets a guilty look on his face whenever hes doing it, and its kinda creepy... but at least he's out of the bedroom. It's going to be a pain to managed the two cats on this one, I can't wait to be done. Definitely motivated to work faster on this one.





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