Sunday, October 20, 2013


It's been three days since the purple was painted last, so today's the day to start with the frog tape. The first order of business, as usual, was making sure that curious paws stayed out of the way. This was accomplished by way of fire. 
Next was time to wash the floor. As the only entry to the house, it gets super dusty and covered with tracks. Cleaning up all the dust that was on this floor from the sanding made more dust and gack, so it took much vacuuming, brooming, and finally a sponge bath. 
I did some testing of patterns on my trusty test board. I was trying to decide how big i wanted my stripes. 


I decided on the first stripe being exactly the width of the level I was using as a straight edge. This made measuring a lot easier, and it's a good width for the room I think. I traced down the sides of the walls using a water soluble white pencil and the level. Then I put a line of thin frog tape down the outside of my lines. 

The level trick worked so well, I decided to turn it on its side for the next stripe. This makes it approximately the same width as the frog tape. So I lined it up with the tape and did some more pencilling. 

Then I laid more tape on the outside of that line. I'm a little concerned that the frog tape isn't sticking as well as it did in the clown room, because of the non-skid texture. I think I may have to do a lot of fixing to these lines, but I'm going to give it a try and see how it goes. 

Once all the tape was down, my hallway looked like something from Tron. This pleases me. Now I am kind of sad I didn't choose lime green as an accent colour. My hallway fights for the users!

I painted the grey parts of the border over the tape, ruining its Trony-goodness.

Two hours later the paint was partially dry, so I removed the tape. I couldn't handle waiting until it was all the way dry to see if it was a travesty.  Overall, its not too bad, stripey and understated. Some of the white pencil marks are still showing, but those will wipe up during the next cleaning. Next step is to fill the center section with my stencil. I'm going to wait until the paint is actually dry before I start that process. I like it plain purple, but I think it will show a lot of dirt this way, so I'm going with a pattern to help camouflage grossness.

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