Thursday, October 24, 2013



Hooray, its time for the last step. I put four coats of the same floor poly I used on the clown room floor down today. Each coat had to dry for two hours before I could recoat, so I wound up painting myself into the machine room and hanging out while I waited. Here's the first coat when it was wet.

The waiting game got dangerous when I got hungry and realized that I couldn't get to the kitchen, nor could I get to my keys/wallet/shoes. Eight hours later, and I am finally back upstairs and posting the mostly final pictures.

The only things left to do are fill up the closets and put on the doors, and lower the moulding. I'll probably do that tomorrow, but it won't look much different than this. It looks super shiny right now, but that should dull down a bit. In person the design looks cool.

Next stop, the master bedroom! I'm going to try to redo the floor there before the end of the year. It means moving a lot of furniture, and sleeping in the living room, so I have considerable incentive to do it quickly. In the meantime, off to chase unicorns!

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