Saturday, October 12, 2013

Dat Dap

So the week has been full of sanding. I did two passes with the 80 grit because I feel like the clown room floor had more bumps because I spent less time with the lower grits. Then I followed with a relatively fast pass with 120 grit.

Now it's time to fill the cracks. Without fill, the floor has big gaps and holes that I can't fill with paint, no matter how much latex is in it.

This time around I decided to try a product my dad recommended for filling the cracks. I've still got Bondo, and I'm a fan of it, but its a two step process and it dries really fast, so it can be a pain. Plus it makes me lightheaded after a few minutes. So this time I'm trying DAP Plastic Wood.
The fumes from this stuff are only slightly less toxic-seeming than the Bondo, but it does go longer before drying and becoming unusable. I started at the end of the hallway filling in everything I could, but it became clear that I was going to run out way before I was done, so I got more conservative and started using it only in the larger cracks and holes. I went through an entire can, and there are still spots that need fill.

Once the goo had dried, I sanded it down. It seems to be working pretty well for the larger cracks, but it's not as good at filling in the smaller pits that the wood filler I used before was. I think I'm going to do another pass with it.

Overall, I liked the Plastic Wood, if it doesn't turn out to crack after a while, I think it'll be my go to for filling the seams and big gaps. Hopefully it paints well, because it's easier to use than the Bondo was.



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