Saturday, October 12, 2013

Moar Filler

When I first started refinishing the floors, my father informed me that "Plywood is ugly." This turned out to be a bit of understated wisdom. Plywood IS ugly. Even after multiple sandings, it's full of nicks and knots and pits and uneven patches. I found in the clown room that it is almost impossible to spot fill all of these tiny crevices.
So, I'm going back to what I used to spot fill in the clown room, but using it all over the floor (which, surprisingly, is the intended use for this product.) This is the product I used, though this time I went with Red Oak instead of White. I like to keep things multi-culti in this house.
I used a putty knife to trowel the stuff all over the floor, to make sure that it gets into all the gaps. Once its dried I'll sand it down and then should be ready to paint! 

Because it is impossible to enter or leave the house without traversing this hallway, I'm doing this in two stages, with the stairs in the middle. This was working fine until I finished the second section and realised that I had blocked off one of the cat's access to the litter boxes. So now I have to keep him entertained for an hour while it dries. Especially since he has a bad habit of trying to lick everything he sees and I bet this stuff tastes BAAAD. 

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