Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Faux Twilight Purple

The floor is now approximately as smooth as that really smooth spot behind a kitten's ear (I don't like babies. I don't like similes about babies either.) So it's time to paint, hooray!
In the ongoing saga of the paint, I went to a Home Despot and they told me that they could easily match the Valspar color, that they already had them all in their system. I talked to a really nice lady, who gave me a little sticker with the formula and told me to come back any time and that porch paint was no problem. At the time, I was waiting for Valspar's response (they sent me a check for $25 to cover the samples I'd purchased) and didn't buy the paint.
When I went to another Home Despot, the teenager at the paint counter didn't really feel like mixing up my paint. Which was not the response I was looking for after having been through this with Valspar. She told me they couldn't match to the Valspar colors and then that they couldn't do it in porch paint. So I gave her my fancy sticker and asked her to mix it. She huffed and puffed and gave me my Twilight Purple.

I was a little concerned after this that the color wouldn't match as well as the first woman had told me, but its turned out fine. The Behr paint is actually thicker than the Valspar, so the first coat went on pretty well. Here it is wet, without the edges done. 

Dry, it is way less shiny, which makes me happy. In person its also a bit bluer. It definitely makes the whole hallway look yellower, which I'm not wild about. I'm now adding painting the walls in the hallway to my to-do list.

I managed to finish the first and second coats without Zulu's help, though there's a little blank spot at the bottom of the stairs where I had to put the barrier to keep him off of it. Hopefully I can do that part without any pawprint incidents. 

The floors of the clown room are super slippery, so I added this stuff to the second coat in the hallway. It doesn't seem to have changed the paint color at all, though I'm not sure if the poly top coat is going to negate the effects. It has the bonus of helping to hide the little pieces of grit that my paintbrush was pulling out from under the moulding. I vacuumed under the moulding twice and still didn't manage to get it all out. Next time, I think I'll remove the moulding as part of the sanding, instead of waiting until the floor is done.  This time, I am going to give it a coat of non-orangey paint while it is off of the wall. I wish I could find something else to replace it.
The next step is to tape off some borders using frog tape, and then add the stencil.
Update: My friend Jason wants you all to know that he kicks ass. I'm not sure why, but shout-outs are shout-outs.

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