Friday, June 13, 2014


This morning I started painting on the hallway. The colour here used to be a lightish blue, but since it gets so much sunlight, most of it has faded to white over the last 7 years. What looks like a line of new/old paint here is actually the fade.
Parts of the hallway got repainted last year when we did the bathroom, but I made the mistake then of trying to spot paint too. You can see the difference between last years paint and the older stuff in the corner. I forgot how blue this was until I was taping things off and saw this. Now I'm kind of worried this hall is going to look like the inside of a smurf's small intestine.
I got everything taped off and the walls repainted. Good cat was extremely interested in the whole process, but refused to cross the threshold to help. The main reason the paint job was necessary is that there are two big patches on the walls in this hallway, one of which is from the laundry chute and the other is from the heater that was removed. I finished patching and texturing the drywall yesterday during my flurry of activity, so its finally ready to be painted.
I got the paint on all of the walls. This paint goes on really spottily, so I think I may have to do a second coat. It also dries a lot darker than it goes on, so the spotty spots are hard to spot. I have just enough paint in the can to do a few touch ups, definitely not enough for a full second coat, so hopefully I got most of it.
Here's how it looks from either end freshly painted. 

Once that was done, I decided to work on the floor. Its three days aren't technically up yet, but I'm going to risk putting frog tape down on it. I pulled up the protective tape and paper, the black is the area that will be the outside border.

Next up, taping the edge of the black so that the main floor colour doesn't bleed out into my nice fancy borders. Then it was time for the trusty level to tell me where to put the other set of tape so that I can make a stripe.
I got it all taped out. Now that I see it like this, I almost wish I was doing two stripes, but I don't want to redo everything, so one is the number of stripes for this floor.

Aaaaaand I put down the first coat of the base. I am totally not loving this colour right now, but I don't want to go buy another $30 gallon of paint to change it. That may change by tomorrow morning, depending on how much it darkens in that time. Right now, even with a red stencil over the top, I think it is going to look tooo.... nursery.  In the meantime, I am painted into the bedroom until it dries and thinking about ways I can save it and not waste a gallon of paint. (Hey, the kitchen walls are this colour, repainting them would be a good use of it, right?)



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