Thursday, June 12, 2014

More Pawiwork

Not to be outdone by the Nice cat's painting yesterday, the Supervisor made a jail break and in ten minutes of freedom managed to leave his mark. In white. All over the fresh black paint.
He then decided that the floor was hot lava and refused to walk on it any more.
I'm ok with this, it made him easy to catch for his return engagement in Kitty Prison as Frightened Inmate #2.
In order to prevent any further incidents in the hallway, I used masking paper to cover up the black. I have three days while the paint rests before I can use frog tape on it to mark out the borders. While it naps, the paper should keep it safe from rogue paw prints and drips as I work on painting the walls, trim, and doors.  
I am not going to bother sanding the moulding. Its in terrible shape, in some places it looks like its been chewed on. Knowing the Supervisor, it has most certainly been tasted, and may literally have been chewed on. I scraped off the gunk I could and washed it down with vinegar water. This seems to rough up the wood and paint enough for the new paint to stick, which is fine with me. The mouldings should probably be replaced, but that isn't a high priority right now and I think that the paint will cover the worst of the carnage.
I'm painting it all black to match the floor, along with the trim around the doors. There's something that feels crazy-naughty about using black paint on the inside of the house and it makes me super happy. I love the way it all looks so far. I'm hoping to excise the ugly orange trim from the kitchen while I'm waiting for the base coat on the living room to dry. Maybe I should mix some bitter apple into the paint to prevent future chewery.

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