Monday, June 23, 2014

Living Room

Hoooray, the living room is finally done and Supervisor-Approved. I spent the last few days coating it with polyurethane over and over, which will hopefully limit the number of cat gouges it gets. Next up, moving furniture back in once its fully cured. The stencil I used for this room can be found here.

The Supervisor received a brief work-release to give his approval. He won't be allowed out of prison full time for another two days when the floor is cleared for active use. His first order of business was to inspect the electrical outlet... with his tongue.
Once that was done, he got down to some serious rolling and tested out the stripes. They work.

And finally, he licked the mop because there was something green and delicious-looking in the bottle. This is why he can't have nice things, and the reason he's locked away when anything even mildly hazardous is out.

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