Saturday, June 14, 2014

White(ish) Lines

This is an apprehensive cat. He also hates the blue of the hallway floor. After sleeping on it, I decided that I'm going to rework it, but likely not until I'm back from my vacation. For now the hallway will continue to look like Gargamel Gone Wild, as it flows with the blood of a million Smurfs (Smurves?). Television has taught me that Smurfs and cats are natural enemies. 
So, while the hallway continues to blue itself, I started work on the borders for the living room. It took about two hours to get the area taped out. I'm being extra liberal with the borders, because its such a large area to stencil. I'm hoping to have things finished in the next five days, but that may be overly ambitious.
I decided to use two different colours of white here, both of which sound like they share names with feminine hygiene products: Fresh Day and Innocence.  The Fresh Day is left over from the stairs and is a blue-based white. When I opened the can this morning I realized I may not actually have enough of it to do the borders and stencils, so I'm hoping to stretch it with the Innocence. I had picked up a quart of yellow-based Innocence to redo the coffee tables a while back and got distracted by doing the floors instead, so it was just taking up space. I'm hoping that incorporating it into the design will help keep it from looking non-matchy on the tables.

On their own, up against black, these two paints look super white. Next to each other they look extremely blue and yellow. I'm not crazy about this, but hoping that when they dry and are sealed they'll look more like white and aged-white than the eastery pastels I'm seeing now. Once the borders are dry (two coats and nine hours from now, sometime around 1:45AM), I can start the stenciling, which will likely take a few days.

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