Sunday, June 1, 2014

The Spaces In-Between

The hallway floor is progressing. It takes a little bit longer, because like one of those all-edges brownie pans that creates a corridor of caramelized chocolate [Which, by the way, I think is terrible. I hate the edges. Find me a pan that makes all centers, that's where the delicious lives! Except on cake... cake needs corners for the improved frosting-to-cake ratio.] , there are more corners and spaces that the belt sander won't fit into. This means I have to use the palm sander a bit more, which doesn't bother me much because it cuts down on dust anyway. It does, however, increase the amount of time it takes.

The area that is a bit more troubling is the transitions. This is the area between rooms; the spots under doors that don't officially belong to either room. While the door to the dining room is open and slightly less problematic, the one going into the bedroom is a ginormous pain in the rump. I am not one of Weezer's fabled Beverly Hills housemaids. I cannot figure out how to sand this area without filling the bedroom with dust, and leaving it the way it is will definitely show through the paint when the door is open. 

The Supervisor can be seen straddling the transition into the bedroom below. If the bedroom was Narnia, he would be on his way to meet Mr Tumnus, but really he's about to be yelled at for crossing into the scaredy cat's territory. The white gunk marks where the wood gets sketchy at the edges. Its raised from the wood around it and rough enough to give splinters.

I'm thinking about constructing some sort of weird tent to try to contain the dust, but I'm not sure if that will work either. I may just slather it with goo, buy some area rugs, and hope for the best. Though it occurs to me that if that actually works then it'll mean I could have been doing that all along and not sanding at all, which will make me die inside just a little.

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