Saturday, June 28, 2014

In Transit

well, its my first night in bonaire. i flew down here first class, which was less exciting than i expected for a variety of reasons. the first plane we were on had no entertainment system or movies. and they ran out of non-egg options so i wound up having a ham and cheese baguette for breakfast. this was not an auspicious beginning. the second flight was better, despite the odd meal of french onion soup paired with a "beef" burrito. why yes, drunk dood who sat next to me, i DID watch the lego movie two and a half times during the flight. i regret nothing. (well, except that you ordered the burrito. people in close quarters should be fed neither onions nor burritos.)

it was just getting dark when we got here, so other than the extremely small, extremely pink airport, i didnt get to see much before we came to the house and had "happy hour" with my parents friend, during which i learned i need to check my shoes for scorpions before putting them on. needless to say, i am now checking my everything for scorpions, constantly.

there are also wild donkeys and feralish dogs in the compound. at night you can hear the donkeys eeyore and the dogs chase them around barking and howling. its a lot like the street noise from when i lived above a gay karaoke bar. the dogs are apparently not very nice unless they know you, so i have another thing to to terrorize my dreams.

all of the stores on the island were closed when we got here, so i am going to bed naughty-child style and can only hope that tomorrow holds the promise of supper. a quick dip in the pool to clean off the travel, and we are now in bed. i have no idea what time it is, so i took a sleeping pill and hope between that and 48 hours without sleep i will dream my way through the braying/howling chorus. i will try to record the cacophony at some point this week.

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