Thursday, June 5, 2014

Mud & Crud

Cry 'Havoc!', and let slip the dogs of floor filler.

The gooening has begun. Once the cracks were mostly filled and sanded, I started with the floor filler. There is quite a bit of acreage so it has taken a few days to finish gooing completely. Things in the living room went on fairly quickly. The hallway, however was hampered a bit by something I'd like us to agree to call "floor crud."

Floor crud is tiny bits and pieces of things, including but not limited to: cat hair, old drywall, kitty glitter, pieces of rice, cranberries*, bits of kibble, unidentified fluff, chips of DAP and Bondo, and other assorted grossness. I vacuumed twice to try to reduce it, but you can never really be free of this stuff. When it's hit with goo, floor crud creates tiny con trails of destruction. These little furrows make sanding much harder, so I try to get rid of them wherever possible. I am only moderately successful in this.

The hallway's proximity to an (ostensibly) working kitchen [why hello, rice and kibble!],  bathroom [howdy, kitty glitter!] and the previously mentioned extra edges [good morning, unholy birthplace of dust, drywall past and sundry detritus!] makes it a perfect storm of crud. I wind up having to wipe off my drywall knife quite a bit to get rid of the crud, which wastes so much goo that I'm sure those creepy anti-masturbation churches would find it criminal. Such is the peril of floor crud.

I made it through the hallway, for a sum total of about two and a half buckets of filler. Both floors are now looking as buffed, bronzed, and natural as a Real Housewife, their cracks being similarly filled with a realistical flesh tone.

*in truth, I'm guessing on the cranberries... I haven't actually found one. But Ocean Spray mixes them with everything, so I'm pretty sure they're there. 



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