Friday, June 13, 2014

Painting ALL the things!

Today I spent almost ten hours trying to paint all the things. Its easier to do the painting now while the furniture is contained and supplies are at hand. I started with the rest of the mouldings, then moved on to the bedroom/bathroom doors and trim. Because of the feline apartheid and lack of space in my house, taking down the doors to paint them isn't really an option, so I just paint them where they stand. This sometimes leads to weird drippies, but I can live with that in order to maintain the good cat's separate (but equal) facilities and avoid kitty warfare.
Then I moved on to the inside of the laundy chute door.
...The pantry door and trim...
...I recaulked all but two of the windows (ran out of caulk) and then painted the two hallway sills....
And finally decided to paint the moulding around the balcony door to match the floor. It doesn't look like a ton of painting this way, but I had to do two coats on everything, plus taping and a bit of drywall work, so it was exhausting. My wrists are currently trying to escape from my body.
In doing so, I managed to add my footprints to the current collection. Now I feel like one of the cat pack. I should so totally get my own room and private water dish.

Still to go: five more window sills, the balcony door, and the walls of the hallway. I'm hoping to get most of it done before Saturday when I can start on the stenciling, but I may wind up postponing the hallway if it looks like it will take more time than I have. 






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