Monday, July 29, 2013

Banana Peels and Rat Kings

Officially, the poly on the floor is not fully cured until tomorrow. But, on Wednesday, the claims inspector is coming about the sewage spill, so I'm trying to have the furniture moved in by then to free up some space to move in the hallway downstairs. Currently all my tools, paints, sandpapers, a couch bed, and a bunch of books are taking up most of the hall.

So I decided to take down the dropcloths today instead of waiting til tomorrow. In pulling out the staples and generating a rat-king worth of duct tape, I also made an exciting discovery. It seems the clowns have generously decided to curse the floor with some sort of banana peel magic. It's freaking slippery. So far, I've fallen twice while doing stuff in there, gaining some lovely bruises in the process. I'm becoming worried that as my friend Susan suggested, the cat hair was acting as subtle anti-slippage texturing. I may have to consider using a different type of paint or finish when I do the hallway. I hate bananas.

Taking down the dropcloths also generated approximately an Oklahoma worth of dust, some of which made its way under the cloths.
For now there are two air filters in there working overtime. Tomorrow will be brought to me by the letter "Swiffer," as I take stuff off shelves and dust. The moldings and the clown closet still need doing, and I may wind up painting or staining the shelves to match, but overall I think it's looking cool.

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